Nashville Diaries: Week 12

Since hitting the road two weeks ago with the Trans Siberian Orchestra tribute group, I've been spending most days in my car, in the backstages of concert venues, and sleeping on my brother's floor in between. It's been fun, and I mean that seriously.

Rather than bore you with details, here's a quick slideshow: 


If you'd like to see the video of what the TSO group sounds like, here's the recording we made from Fox News: 


I cut an album with former NewSong lead man and worship leader Steve Reischl a few months ago, that was released this past week. Here's a music video we made: 


You can pick up a copy for free by clicking on the below image: 

Here's a few tidbits that I left out: 

• We had a massive get-together for Thanksgiving this past weekend with all of my family and family-in-laws. 27 people in the house, and a lot of great food. Good times! 

• Despite my best efforts, I ended up getting one of the worst colds I've had in 5 years. I'm currently ingesting massive amounts of vitamin C and praying I'm well for the rest of the tour.

I'm sure I'm missing a ton of other stuff, but I can't think of it right now. Here's wishing you a great start to your Christmas season! 


