4 Quick Tips For Staying Productive While Traveling
I’ve been gone from home for the past week doing shows and recording sessions, and my schedule has felt terribly out of kilter. Here are 4 quick ways I’m trying to get something done while I’m on the road:
1. Pre-schedule yourself. I know travel is all about moving to the rhythms of the road, but if you’re traveling for business having a pre-planned schedule will help you be more productive and waste less time. If you end up breaking it mid-trip, no big deal- at least you got a done little more work than you would have without a schedule.
2. Create a to-do list, then refer to it when you find an unexpected scheduling twist where you have free time. What item from the list could you complete in that suddenly available time block?
3. Schedule in free time. When I’m at home, I have many opportunities to stop and relax (many facilitated by my wife’s request to hang out with her). On the road, my temptation is to work constantly, which leads to me being less productive and burn out. Take some time out each day to do something fun, and you’ll see a boost in your productivity.
4. Listen to audiobooks in the car. I’ve been able to “read” a book each week that I’ve been on the road, which leads to boosted creativity and a whole bunch of other great benefits, including seeing the world differently.
My practice rig on the road. Keeping up a practice routine is essential to staying current with music you've been given, and making sure your chops don't slip.