Handling Stress (And How I Suck At It)
This last month has been a whirlwind of work. I’ve been on the road a ton, and been working myself raw when I’m not. I’m not complaining- I’m absolutely loving what I’m doing right now. I’ve just had a hard time keeping up.
And you know what I’ve learned? I suck at handling stress.
I think sometimes my readers see all my positive, productive posts and think I’m some sort of superman that never tires, always wisely thinks things through, and makes sure I’m productive every waking moment of the day. I’m not. I have a lot of good moments, and quite a few less than awesome ones.
This morning was a prime example. I woke up to go to the airport. Stumbled out of bed on 5 hours sleep. The room was a disaster zone since I haven’t been home in a LONG time. Got in for a shower, and got so mad at the shampoo bottle for not closing that I threw it against the wall. Spent 10 minutes sorting through the dryer for a pair of matching socks. Was in a terrible mood all the way to the airport with Sarah, and all she mostly got out of me was a few grunts and a pissed-off “I love you” at the terminal.
Yup, I’m not proud of it. But it’s important that you know I’m just as real as you. I have off days. I get overwhelmed and stressed super easily. When I write these productive posts, I’m writing them for me more than anyone else.
Let’s both use them as a reminder, an ideal. And then let’s be okay with being real, which includes getting stressed out once in awhile.
This is what I mostly do now- living out of a backpack filled the essentials, including my trusty MacBook Pro.