St. Louis and Stereotypes

With all the negative news coverage because of the ongoing turmoil in Ferguson, St. Louis has been a hot topic among the people I meet in Nashville. When people find out I grew up there, it’s assumed that I’m glad that I moved before “everything fell apart”. Thank goodness I moved from that war zone before all the madness happened last summer. 

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5 Things Musicians Should Stop Complaining About

1. Stop complaining that you don’t get paid enough. We live in a free market, and people will pay what they think something is worth, not how much you think it’s worth. If you’re not getting the price you want, reposition yourself in the market and offer buyers something they don’t mind paying a fair wage for. 

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Obsessive, Controlled Persistence: A Musician's Best Friend

this last week, I landed my first gig with the largest booking agency in St. Louis, Contemporary Productions. Contemporary books many of the largest venues in St. Louis, including Busch Stadium, most of the casinos and hotels around town, and all the major corporations. When I got the call, I was so excited.

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3 Reasons Why Contracts Rock

I run into it constantly: I don’t need a contract, we’re friends! Nothing’s going to ever come before that friendship. Sadly, one of my friends just had a falling out with a close friend and partner, partially because they had never spelled out what they each wanted in their business relationship. Here are 3 reasons you should consider writing out a contract for your next project: 

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